I weighed in this past Monday and I had lost another 1.9 pounds. I felt the need to weigh myself again this morning and I've lost another pound since Monday. My total loss is now at 18.9 pounds. I'm getting so close to where I was before and close to my next reward milestone of 25 pounds (I really need to finish my reward chart...), which means I'll get a mani-pedi! I'm so excited! If I keep on track and continue to lose around two pounds a week, I'll reach my goal weight of 160 pounds by June 2014. I can't wait!
I've recently been thinking I should try for less than 160 pounds. I weighed 160 pounds in high school, but I didn't really have the best eating habits then, so I'm wondering if it'd be attainable to be somewhere between 140-150 pounds. For now, I think I'm going to leave my goal at 160 pounds and have a huge celebration when I make it to my goal and then go from there.
I have been keeping myself really busy as of late. Of course, my two kids keep me pretty occupied, but in addition to my kids, I have picked up a couple of hobbies. I have had a passion for beadwork and making jewelry since I was seven or eight-years-old, but I have since revived that passion and I hope to turn it into some additional income in the near future. I have been broadening my knowledge and learning new techniques in jewelry design and I love it! There are so many things that I never even thought of before, like mixing two seemingly unrelated hobbies together like beading and crocheting. The results are so neat! I've got a necklace on the go currently using the crocheting technique. Maybe I'll post a picture when it's complete. My primary knowledge sources for learning new techniques are Craftsy and Sheffield School. The Sheffield School is based out of New York City and offers an array of courses through correspondence. Once I've completed the six unit course, I'll receive a certificate in jewelry design, which I think is pretty neat. Craftsy is a website that offers many, many different crafting courses in various different fields. While the jewelry design course offered through Sheffield teaches many different techniques, the Craftsy classes each focus on a specific topic. Both are nice. Sheffield gives me the basics, which Craftsy allows me to go more in-depth into a particular technique.
Another hobby I've picked up recently is crocheting. When I was younger, I figured knitting and crocheting were old lady hobbies, but they're not! There's so many neat things you can make with crocheting! I taught myself how to crochet using YouTube! I started out by making square dishcloths. Since learning, I've made a blanket for my baby cousin and have started working on some Amigarumi stuffed birds. Here's what one of my birds looks like, though it's currently incomplete.
I have four birds that are only partially complete because I've been waiting for their eyes to come in the mail. Funny how neither WalMart nor Michaels carry the little, black plastic eyes... I ended up ordering them online, but they had to come from Hong Kong, so it took a while. I finally got them in the mail today, so I can finally complete my birds! They're going to be birthday gifts for my nieces and nephew next week.
You're probably wondering why I brought my hobbies up and how that is in anyway relevant to losing weight... Well, it is! You see, by picking up some hobbies, it keeps both my hands and my mind occupied! If I'm not just sitting around doing nothing, I don't feel the need to be doing something which usually translates into eating. If I was just watching TV or playing WoW (World of Warcraft for you non-geek folk), I would feel the need to keep my hands occupied and that usually meant I was munching on something and likely that something was unhealthy. Now that I'm working on making jewelry or crocheting, I don't watch much TV and I haven't been playing WoW at all, which means that I'm eating less and not thinking about food - unless I'm actually hungry. It's great! I plan on making most of my Christmas gifts this year - which I've already started on.
If you're trying to lose weight, have you thought about picking up or have you already picked up a hobby? What hobby has worked for you?
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