Monday, 2 September 2013

I survived, hooray!

I did it! I did it! Hooray! I did it backwards, but I still did it! I finally walked the West Side Hill. I started at the Tim Horton's and walked home, rather than the other way around. My husband and I took the kids out for a picnic in the coulees, so I thought it would be easier to be dropped off at the Timmies and just walk home. I ended up doing the walk alone because Ashlee was indisposed this evening. It took me 58 minutes to walk 5.08 kilometres. I took some pictures so that you can see what I walked.

This is the top of the hill:

These next three are from the middle of the bridge, showing the way I came, the view over the bridge and the way I'm heading:

I was going to take a picture at the top of the other side, but I was in such a groove that I didn't want to stop walking to take the picture. The hill wasn't as steep as I was anticipating. The hill I walked Saturday was a lot steeper than this hill was. I'm glad that I accomplished my goal though. Because I started at Timmies rather than ending there, my husband went out and picked me up an Iced Capp for completing my goal. I had it made with milk rather than cream to make it *somewhat* healthier. It actually tasted better that way!

My next goal is to walk the West Side Hill both ways. I'll walk from my house up to the Timmies and back again, after having a break at the Timmies for a delicious Iced Capp! I plan to accomplish this at the end of the month.

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